I'll start by saying that i've never blogged before and would prefer to stay anonymous as I think a lot of people who blog are just attention seeking douches who want too whine on about there amazing lives. I'll say right now I don't live an out of this world lifestyle but some part of me feels like I should document my life just to see if other people are in the same boat as I am.
I'm 20 years old and from the UK, I dropped out of college at 17 as I wanted to start earning a wage. This led me too start an apprenticeship in carpentry and joinery hoping that one day i could work for myself. I quickly realised that I enjoyed the joinery side of it but hated the people I had too work with as they were rude, arrogant, bullies and just the type of people I avoided in school. Once i'd finished my apprenticeship which was in April this year (2010) I began looking at new career paths as there was absolutely no work in the building game anymore. I applied for a graduate job (even though I had no A-levels and had never been to uni) but to my surprise i was accepted and was invited to an interview. At that point in time I was just exstatic to get an interview, the job description said 'Trainee Property Surveyor' so I did a bit of research on property surveying but failed to do any on the company who the job was with, big mistake. I'll just say now that it didn't work out and i was left out of pocket, my self esteem took a dip and physically exhausted but its far too much to write about in this post so that experience shall be my next installment.
I now work part time in a bar and restaurant for laughable wages and I really can not see a way out as I have no further education no prior work experience which would interest a good employer and no money to go back to college. I feel like even though i'm only 20 i've already made enough bad choices to screw up my future career prospects and overall happiness.
I want to know that i'm not the only person in this situation and also hear from people who thought the same but found away out, so please comment.